
Source file and crate contents.

Input is parsed as Rust code using the syn crate. papyrus does not differentiate the myriad of classications for the input, rather it categorises them into Items, Statements, and CrateTypes.

papyrus will parse a string input into a Input, and these aggregate into a SourceCode structure, which flattens each input.


Building some source code.

fn main() {
extern crate papyrus;
use papyrus::code::*;

let mut src = SourceCode::default();
src.stmts.push(StmtGrp(vec![Statement {
    expr: String::from("let a = 1"),
        semi: true
    Statement {
        expr: String::from("a"),
        semi: false

Crates have some more structure around them.

fn main() {
extern crate papyrus;
use papyrus::code::*;

let input = "extern crate a_crate as acrate;";
let cr = CrateType::parse_str(input).unwrap();

assert_eq!(&cr.src_line, input);
assert_eq!(&cr.cargo_name, "a-crate");